Hello, again!
It’s been too long! Featuring a quick catch-up, and one of my favorite outfits from spring shot at the lovely Red Fox Inn & Tavern in Middleburg.

Hello, Spring!
Today marks the first day of spring! Can you feel my excitement for the sunnier days and warmer weather? My hydrangeas and roses are beginning to bud, the daffodils are out, and my seasonal allergies are back… spring is here! In addition to vlogging this past weekend (check out my latest vlog here), I caught up on quite a bit of spring cleaning, I cleared out my wardrobe and replaced my wool coats with lovely floral print dresses, and have started tending to my plants for the season.

Recent Happenings
Hello everyone! Spring is quickly approaching and I have been busier than ever! Between my 9-5 job, Instagram, and YouTube, I am realizing that it’s been a little silent over here on the blog for a few weeks. I figured a quick update was in order.
Recently in Hunt Country
Hello, everyone! Apologies for the silence on this blog over this past week… it was my husband’s birthday, and we spent several days exploring and celebrating across the beautiful countryside of Virginia. Over the past week, we explored Charlottesville and much of Virginia’s beautiful wine and hunt country where we got to soak in the beautiful views, enjoy the early signs of spring, and sip on the delicious wines in the region.

A Quick Life Update
Happy Holidays! Providing you with a quick life update ahead of the new year…

Little Luxuries I’m Loving This Fall
While I’ll be first in line to admit that there are few things in life I love more than a nice leather satchel, a wool trench coat, or a pair of riding boots, the Covid-19 pandemic has given me a new appreciation for luxuries that one cannot buy. After working from home for a few years now, I’ve learned that while it’s still fun to dress up, my definition of what luxury is has completely changed.