My Favorite Books of 2024 (So Far…)

There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island. ― Walt Disney

In 2024, I set out on a literary adventure with a simple yet ambitious goal: to diversify my reading palate beyond the comforting confines of my beloved historical fiction bubble. While historical tales have long held a cherished place on my bookshelf (OK, let’s be honest, Aley… historical fiction makes up my entire bookshelf!), variety truly is the spice of life. As the year unfolds, I have found myself pleasantly surprised by the treasures I've unearthed within the pages of novels spanning a multitude of genres. From heartwarming contemporary stories and thought-provoking non-fiction (and yes, more historical fiction), my reading journey has been nothing short of exhilarating. As I reflect on the books that have captured my imagination and stirred my soul thus far, I am thrilled to share my favorite reads of 2024 with you. So, without further ado, let's dive into the literary delights that have illuminated my year thus far.

Biohack Like a Woman by Aggie Lal

Fitness and health are a very important aspect of my daily life, so when I first heard about the concept of biohacking, I was curious and interested to learn more. I listened to Biohack Like a Woman on Audible over the course of several hours spent on the treadmill, and I found it very informative. Listening to the book was a delight, and Aggie really came across as a friend, inspiring me and teaching me more on my own biohacking journey, of sorts. I’ll be honest, I’m not a hard-core biohacker as a result of listening to this book, but there are so many important takeaways I’ve had from this book. The concepts of biohacking, specifically for a woman as discussed by a woman, are easy to implement and very intuitive, making the concept easy to implement in to your day-to-day life without trying to adopt a new diet (because let’s be real, diets suck!)


Evergreen by Lydia Elise Millen

You know it’s a good read when you buy hard copy, Audiobook, and Kindle versions of the same book! I have followed Lydia online since I was 16 or 17 years old, and I have constantly been so inspired by her. So, when I heard she was releasing her first book, you bet I signed up for it’s release the second the announced it. However, I was not prepared in the slightest to be so profoundly moved by it. No matter where you are in your life, Evergreen provides so many simple yet valuable lessons about how to embraces the seasons — both in our personal life, and those of nature. It’s a book that I will pick up multiple times per year for years to come to both ground myself and find inspiration in all that exists around me. Bonus: the book itself and the illustrations contained within are beautiful, making it perfect for your coffee table or entryway.


Becoming Marie Antoinette by Juliet Grey

This historical fiction (yes, yes, I know!) is a book I read as a young teenager, and it is one of the few books that I have picked back up in my twenties and loved just as much. This book offers a lovely, first-person fictional narrative of Marie Antoinette in the years leading up to her move from Austria to France. The entire book is oozing with details that will transport you to ornate halls of Schönbrunn and Versailles, and you’ll walk away having learned so much more about who I feel is a very misunderstood lady within the confines of 18th century history.


The Faeries of Fable Island by Alicia Cahalane Lewis

This book perfectly blends fantasy and reality, and was so good that I read through it in one long weekend, accompanied by sunshine on the deck and glasses of Blanc de Blanc in hand. The book follows a young girl, Meg, who has been through unimaginable tragedy through her struggles with grief and coping with reality amidst the memories of a childhood filled with stories of magical, fairy-filled places. The story is a nod to the tales of Peter Pan in the best way possible, and you’ll find yourself rooting on young Meg, who transforms throughout the book’s pages from a pitiable girl to an empowered, confident young woman.


The Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon

Another historical fiction, but truthfully my favorite book series I have read in my 27 years. The stories and characters, the beautiful European and pre-Revolutionary American settings, and the intimate connection between the characters and some of the most profound moments in 18th century history — it’s truly all I could wish for in a book. While the number and size of the books in this series can admittedly be daunting to some, I love knowing that I will have a book in this series to read for months, and likely years, to come. This is another series that I own both physical copies and Kindle versions of — a testament to how much I love the series. My loving husband actually gifted me the entire series in beautiful, leather-bound Easton Press versions for Christmas this past year which have taken center stage on my bookshelf — my prized possessions!


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