Review | Fairfax and Favor Mini Windsor Handbag
In case you’ve missed it on my Instagram lately, I recently purchased my first handbag from Fairfax and Favor. After falling madly in love with my Regina boots, I decided I needed to add more of the brand’s beautiful leather pieces to my wardrobe. I ended up purchasing the brand’s Mini Windsor handbag and it has not disappointed!
It has been the perfect addition to my wardrobe, particularly for the transition from winter to spring. The tan leather is of a stunning quality, and it pairs with just about everything I wear at this time of the year. The size is perfect — it fits all of my handbag essentials (stay tuned for an upcoming post on this!), including my phone. The bag also features studs to protect it from scratches should you put it on the ground, and a couple of zip compartments on the inside to keep everything organized.
I personally don’t like to wear crossbody bags, but this bag also features a removable crossbody strap if you prefer to be totally hands-free with your handbag.
In short, Fairfax and Favor has continued to impress me! I love my Mini Windsor handbag and am already scoping out the next color(s) I will be adding to my collection. The brand also has lots of other lovely leather goods, which is fantastic if you like to match your bag to your shoes, belt, etc.
You can see this bag styled up in previous posts, including our recent adventures to Charlottesville, Upperville, and Leesburg.
If you own any Fairfax and Favor pieces, I’ve love to hear about your favorite(s) in the comments down below!
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