Heading into Autumn & a Life Update
It has admittedly been far too long since my last post! Life has been a little crazy and overwhelming lately, but mostly for the good reasons — I recently started leasing a horse! It’s been an absolute delight to get back into horseback riding this year, and I’ve rapidly reverted back into being well and truly obsessed with all things horse-related. Since August, I’ve been heavily focused on improving my dressage skills and building a lovely relationship with Rosie, the gorgeous Thoroughbred mare I’m lucky enough to be leasing.
Riding has been the perfect addition to my daily/weekly routine, and a much-needed way to de-stress after a long day of work. With the days growing shorter and cooler, I’m also finding myself feeling more inspired as of late after what’s felt like a ‘rut’ of several months. While I love sunny, warm days, I often find that by early or mid July, I’m struggling to feel excited and inspired by my surroundings and am instead counting the days to amber tones on the skyline and an excuse to break out my trench coats and boots. This time of the year is always the busiest for my line of work, and finding the time and inspiration to blog (or even post on Instagram) after a long day often falls off my list of priorities.
It’s much easier for me to write about what I’m interested in, so you may see a shift in the focus of the content on my blog and Instagram - I don’t plan to overwhelm this site with horse content, but it will undoubtedly be incorporated more moving forward. I’m still as passionate as ever about everything Virginia has to offer and will continue to post and write about the inspiration I draw in this beautiful state that I call ‘home’. Truthfully, I’ve been a bit less interested in style and fashion lately, although let’s admit, my love for classic riding boots and tailored coats never really goes out of style! I guess I’m trying (and failing) to convey that I’m struggling a bit with this platform and what to write about… I’ll continue to write and post about what is interesting me, but I’d also love to know what you are interested in reading (and what you’re not!). If you have any opinions or requests, I would love to read them down below in the comments!